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The design of our barrel and plunger dimensions assures high levels of accuracy and precision. HAMIL
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For more than 50 years, HAMILTON has been satisfying customer needs in the field of precision fluid measuring.

It all started with syringes. Not commercial, mass-produced medical syringes, but precision measuring instruments. We at

HAMILTON combine top quality materials with skilled workmanship, ensuring the highest possible performance level of

every precision fluid device we manufacture. With proper care and handling, HAMILTON syringes will provide unsurpassed

performance in precision fluid handling year after year.

Syringes and needles manufactured by HAMILTON are intended for scientific research and laboratory use

only and are not intended for human in vivo use.

Highest Quality Materials. From our pioneering efforts in designing and producing the first precision MICROLITER™

syringe, we have crafted our products from the finest materials and have controlled them with the same meticulous care

and attention to detail that have become the hallmark of HAMILTON products.

Unsurpassed Accuracy and Precision. Every one of our syringes is subjected to extensive quality control procedures

and tested to make sure we meet the high expectations of accuracy and precision that you have come to expect from all

HAMILTON products.

The design of our barrel and plunger dimensions assures high levels of accuracy and precision. HAMILTON syringes are

manufactured to be accurate within ± 1 % of nominal volume. The HAMILTON Quality System is EN ISO 9001 / EN 46001


Syringe Calibration Service

HAMILTON offers a calibration service for precision Syringes, Digital Syringes and MICROLAB Diluters and Dispensers.

A Certificate of Calibration is provided with the product and the procedure is performed with an unbroken chain of calibration

traceable to NIST.

How to Order a Calibrated Syringe

Calibrated precision syringes are available only at the time of purchase. To order a calibrated syringe ad the prefix “CAL”

to the beginning of the syringes part number.

For example to order a 701 N syringe:

Request part number CAL80300.

A recalibration service is available.

Digital Syringes

Digital Syringes are automatically calibrated prior to shipment. A recalibration service is available for the Digital Syringe.

Simply return the digital unit including the syringe. Customer will be charged the calibration fee plus the cost of a new

syringe if the original one cannot be recalibrated due to wear and tear.


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